The Oxford Owl student area can be accessed by logging in to using either class login details or individual student login details. For more help logging in to Oxford Owl visit our Student login support page.

The student area will appear slightly different depending on whether you log in using a class login or an individual student login to access it.

If you logged in using a class login

After you have logged in you’ll be directed to the student area homepage. Here you will see a list of all the eBook and activity libraries available to you as well as a link to Oxford Owl for Home – our website for parents.

If you logged in using an individual student login

After you have logged in, you will notice 3 tabs which you can use to navigate around the student areas:

  • Home – Here you will see a list of all the eBook and activity libraries available to you as well as a link to Oxford Owl for Home.
  • Homework – In this area you will find a complete list of any homework your teacher would like you to complete. To learn more about completing homework, take a look at our Completing homework support page.
  • Progress – This area displays all the work you have completed and the feedback you left.