To give other staff members access to your subscriptions first log in to Oxford Owl for School and hover over your name in the header bar. Select ‘Manage staff access’ from the drop-down menu. You can then either:

  • Use the ‘Add staff list’ feature to download a .csv file that you can fill out, save and upload to add all staff members in one go.
  • Add staff members individually by typing their first name, second name and email into the fields provided and clicking ‘submit’.

Once your colleagues have access to your subscriptions on Oxford Owl for School, they will then also have the ability to add other members of staff as required.

If they are new to Oxford Owl

If they are completely new to Oxford Owl for School (i.e if they have never joined as a registered free user and are not subscribed to any other subscriptions on Oxford Owl for School) they will receive an ‘Oxford Owl confirmation’ email. They will need to click on the confirmation link in this email to set up their login and password. Once they click ‘complete’ they will be able to access your subscriptions on Oxford Owl for School.

If they are registered as a free user

If they are already registered on Oxford Owl for School as a free user they will receive an email giving them access to your subscriptions. They should click on the confirmation link in this email then log in to Oxford Owl for School using their existing login and password to access your subscriptions. Teachers should not share login access, multiple logins on the same account can cause serious issues.

If they have previously been given access

If they have already been given access to one of your existing subscriptions then you do not need to add them again. They will be able to access your new subscription straight away using their existing login and password.

Manage staff access